Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Two shareholders sell 854m shares in Genting Singapore


Two shareholders sell 854m shares in Genting Singapore

By Mok Fei Fei/ Irene Chan, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 27 May 2009 1638 hrs

SINGAPORE: Two shareholders in Genting Singapore have sold a total of some 854 million shares in the gaming firm at 72 cents a share.

Golden Hope and Lakewood sold the shares to raise some S$615 million.

Bucking the overall upward trend of the local market, Genting Singapore's share price fell about 17 per cent to 72 cents in mid-afternoon trade.

The sudden price fall has prompted a query from the Singapore Exchange.

In response, Genting Singapore said it received the confirmation of the share disposals at about 12.30pm on Wednesday.

Genting Singapore said three substantial shareholders have sold a total of 1.18 billion of the company's shares.

Earlier, Dow Jones Newswires reported that Genting's founder, Lim Goh Tong, had sold a nine per cent stake, or 854 million shares, in the firm at 72 cents a share.

Genting Singapore, formerly known as Genting International, is opening a massive integrated resort in Sentosa next year.

- CNA/yt


Genting SP today close price at SGD 0.71 dropped 0.15 cts.. wow.. Soon i will have a look on the Q report, will consider to swish over my Leader and Annjoo-WA to her if the price is around 0.65.. lets look at the Q report 1st..!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

YTL Power shows signs of recovery

YTL Power shows signs of recovery

Written by Financial Daily

Monday, 25 May 2009 11:37

ALTHOUGH YTL Power International Bhd (YTL Power) posted weaker third quarter (3Q) results last week, its performance in the remaining quarter of FY09 would see improvements on the strengthening of the British pound as well as full-quarter contribution from its Singapore power generator PowerSeraya Ltd, MIMB Investment Bank Research said.

“We expect a better 4Q on the back of full-quarter contribution from PowerSeraya and the strengthening of the pound. All in, we have trimmed our FY09 estimates by 13% due to a change in foreign exchange (forex) assumption.

“We have also incorporated four months’ PowerSeraya earnings forecasts into our model. Besides, we also introduce our FY10-FY11 estimates where earnings are expected to grow 17% on-year and 4% on-year respectively, backed by PowerSeraya earnings,” it said.

The research house revised its target price to RM2.10/revised net asset value (RNAV) from RM1.82/RNAV as it rolled over its valuation base to FY10 from FY09. It maintained its neutral stance on YTL Power.

YTL Power saw net profit for its third quarter ended March 31, 2009 (3Q09) fall 20% on-year to RM221.4 million from RM277.6 million. Quarter-on-quarter, earnings improved by 3% due to better profits from its water business and new power earnings from PowerSeraya. Earnings per share for the same period was 3.81 sen compared with 5.25 sen previously.

Revenue was up 27% to RM1.35 billion from RM1.06 billion. An interim dividend of 3.75 sen, payable on July 16, 2009, was declared.

For the nine months to March 31, net income was 18.6% lower at RM616.8 million from RM758.2 million, while revenue was up 5% on-year to RM3.26 billion from RM3.1 billion. The research firm said YTL Power’s earnings for the nine months accounted for 60% and 58% of house’s and street’s FY09 estimates, respectively.

“Power generation reported a 151% on-quarter surge in 3Q revenue to RM725.3 million while earnings before interest, tax rose 28% on-quarter as a result of earnings inclusion from the newly acquired PowerSeraya beginning March 6, 2009. There were no surprises from local independent power producers (IPPs),” it said.

This article appeared in The Edge financial Daily, May 25, 2009.


So so so, looks like my YTLPOWR-WB will be safe, haha... looking forward for better earning. yeah!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Buy In Leader (Recormanded by Uncle SAM)

For last week review, I had brought in 100 lots of Leader with avg. price of 0.66, quite high huh ^V^! Reason: low PE (oni 3.+) and looking forward to the company future.

From the latest Quarter report for year 2008, overall this company still making profit (business for wire and cable drop but compensated by the growth of power energy business). In term of cash and debt, the current ratio had improved, overall is in health position.

As per future earning, They have quite some project on-going for the wire and cable division, i would expect the profit contribution from W&C will recover soon as there are a lots of project announced by gov lately. For Power Energy division, it also give a positive sign where the main contribution from Cambodia project will expect to keep on making profit for her. Another division which is the properties, hmm.. it still new for leader in this sector, so not much to be expected from it, some more it is not the experties for Leader. Haha..

Over all for me, Leader is a 中规中矩 company, she involve in various of sector and this maybe not so good for her.I'm not expecting her to become the spot in KLCI, but in terms of her financial, she really not bad in taking care of it and selecting her is only because i have no others cheap counter to buy which will be mainly benefited by those project announced by gov recently. haha... more of it is because unker SAM... Pai Seh la, as a small engineer, i have no time to look into KLSE to find potential stock, with unker SAM's recommendation and i will do my homework to verify it.. haha, wanna call me “跟尾狗”?

Regarding AXIATA, i had solded 10 lots at the price of 2.46, will sold along the rise.. let see how far she can go in short terms.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009



KUALA LUMPUR: Axiata Group Bhd posted net profit of RM63.89 million in the first quarter ended March 31, down 88.9% from the RM402.69 million a year ago.

The company said on May 19 the lower profit was mainly due to the foreign exchange loss of RM216.2 million in 1Q compared with RM42.4 million foreign exchange gains a year ago.
“The drop was also attributed to the higher finance cost in the current quarter by RM166.7 million predominantly arising from the amount owing to Telekom Malaysia and loans for the Idea Cellular Ltd (Idea) acquisition amounting to RM112.4 million.

“Normalising these factors, the group’s profit after tax is RM345 million, which is 18.3% lower quarter on quarter,” it added.

Axiata said the group’s overall performance of current year quarter was also affected by the negative contribution from Dialog and higher share of loss from jointly controlled entity.

Axiata said 1Q revenue was higher at RM2.86 billion, up 5.3% from RM2.72 billion a year ago due to higher contribution from Celcom and TM International (Bangladesh) Ltd.

Profit before tax was RM191.21 million versus RM638.48 million. Earnings per share were two sen compared with 11 sen a year ago.

On the outlook, Axiata said the macro backdrop for 2009 was one of weakening economies and uncertainty, hence the group would adopt a prudent approach focusing on cost management whilst continue to lay the foundation towards achieving its long term aspiration of becoming a regional champion.

It added the group would continue to have a strong focus on continued operational efficiencies at the major subsidiaries whilst preserving the momentum of sequential improvements.


Wow! AXIATA Quarter report out d.. what will happen tomorrow??

My view is simple, i had entered AXIATA when she still under the name of TMI at RM3.06 5 lots and 2.75 5 lots around end of Feb and early of Mar 09. PE at tht time is around 9+ (if i not mistaken ^V^!).

Unfortunately, price drop until 2.5+ and follow by right issues. i decided to keep it and receive all the right issue. I holding it because it have CELCOM and Gov will look after her, some more during that timewe are going to change the PM, for seen gov stock will have some flying color performance.

My Avg price after right issues become RM1.93.

My thinking is right issues is mainly to save the fire from TM bond. so it is planned for that and it should able to pay back all to T, then i will be more confortable when AXIATA release from the tight bond stress.

So now, she keep on going up by following the small bull started on end of Mar and the 1st Q report is out.

My next move ==> since i have 20% profit on hand, i will start to sell it based on the performance in comming 2 weeks. My main concern here is the high PE! god, 41.59% with today closing price 2.32!! any how, today highest pick is 2.38, i believe that it can go up to 2.4+ and my TP sold in stage with anything >2.42..

Lets see ^V^!

Soli for this back hand info, i did not consider this under my capital investment, i doing this because i commited to my gf to double up her capital in 1 year so that she have enough money for europe trip.. haha funny ya!! all the investment under my capital have not make profit as much as AXIATA... really sian ^V^!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009



中國科學院一科研團隊去年完成的一項研究進一步確認:太空中肉眼無法看到長城,只有達到一定空間分辨率的衛星遙感才能獲得長城影像。即使在通視條件極佳情 況下,常人能看到十米大小的物體,形成平面「形覺」的極限距離約三十六公里,遠低於一般公認為距地一百公里為起點的太空高度。而長城寬度基本為兩米左右, 除大的關隘城樓外,一般城台(烽火台)寬度也僅五至六米,由此可以斷定,太空人在太空不可能僅憑肉眼就能看到長城。



























美國內戰的根本原因在於南方和北方有著不同的經濟體系。當南方希望他們的農產品有個自由市場時,北方各州則要求為正在興起的本地工業產品實施保護關稅措 施。於是1860到61年的冬天,南部各州退出聯邦,這不是因為他們害怕新任總統林肯會禁止蓄奴,而是因為林肯的整個政治主張都是為北方的利益效勞,即使 在新開發區也是北方優先,南方各州因而擔憂,不久後他們在表決時就會完全處於劣勢了。








過去有很長一段時間,研究睡眠的專家相信每個夢都只維持幾秒鐘而已,即使做夢的人覺得好像做了一個長夢。事實上,人們在打個小盹時常常都像是讀了一本長篇 小說一樣。不過現在我們已經確定,有些夢可以有30分鐘這麼長。接近清晨時做的夢,通常會比剛入睡時做的夢來得長。此外,每個人都會做夢─即使他自己根本 什麼也不記得。


15世紀時只要受過點教育的人,或者隨便一名水手,都不再有人會認為地球是一塊平面了。哥倫布西行航向印度的計畫,一開始會到處碰壁找不到資助,完全是因 為別的理由。因為當時哥倫布算出的地球圓周只有2萬8千公里,然而葡萄牙國王的顧問群卻推算到4萬公里─事實上這是相對符合實際的數據。此外,可能他的態 度舉止,還有經濟贊助的要求,都讓人沒什麼好感。






非洲最南端的點是厄加勒斯角(KapAgulhas,意為「針角」),它位於好望角東邊大約150公里處,而且還要再往南延伸差不多65公里。狄亞斯 (BartholomeuDiaz)在1488年成為第一個繞過這兩個岬角的人,當時他說了一句話:「波濤洶湧的岬角。」但他所指的還有測量的是哪一個 角,我們並不清楚。不論如何,對航海的人而言,好望角是一個很明顯的陸標;好望角的名字應該是葡萄牙國王取的,他希望當時就可以找出一條通往印度的海路。




大家平常在用的阿拉伯數字,是哪一國人發明的呢?答案不是阿拉伯人喔,是印度人!我們所謂的阿拉伯數字,是西元10世紀的時候阿拉伯人從印度引進的,後來 歐洲人在14世紀的時候從阿拉伯人那邊學到了0到9的數字寫法,取代了羅馬字母,而大家也就把這些數字稱為是「阿拉伯數字」。
















但事實上,我們根本曲解了孔子的原意,我當初,也萬萬沒想到原來在孔子這句「以德報怨」的後邊還跟著另外一段話,什麼話呢?子曰:「以德抱怨,何以報德? 以直報怨,以德報德!」看完以後,幡然醒悟,原來我們都被某個斷章取義的孔子FANS給玩了一把!當時的真實情況是怎麼樣的呢?孔子的一個弟子問他說:師 傅,別人打我了,我不打他,我反而要對他好,用我的道德和教養羞死他,讓他悔悟,好不好?孔子就說了,你以德抱怨,那「何以報德?」別人以德來待你的時 候,你才需要以德來回報別人。可是現在別人打了你,你就應該「以直抱怨」,拿起板磚扁他!看!就因為被人故意省略了一句話,剛烈如火的孔老夫子一下就被扭 曲成了現在這個溫婉的受氣包形象。




原來,這句來自民間的諺語本來應該是「量小非君子,無度不丈夫」,這本來是個很好的句子,裡邊充分運用了對仗。顯示出了一份陽剛有力的氣魄,一個胸懷坦蕩 的男人形象就躍然於紙上,可惜勞動人民口耳相傳的這一句話,到了朝廷上那些所謂的學高八斗的「君子」嘴裡就變了個味。為什麼呢?這要從古時候文人的習性說 起,在這副對聯式的諺語裡,「度」為仄聲字,犯了孤平,念著彆扭,很容易讀為平聲字「毒」,那些對音律美感要求甚高的學者們某天吃飽了沒事兒干,便發揮他 們的專長自做主張,把這句改為「無毒不丈夫」了











三十六件騙了你很久的事 ^V^!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Stock On Hand_13/05/2009

This 2 days been bit bz, office got many issues now posting for trading done on Monday ^V^!

Other then the stupid contra play, i had brought in YTLPOWR-WB as i wish and another warrent which is Annjoo-wb.

As for Ytlpowr-wb, already posted before for some homework, now lets look at annjoo-wb.

Actually i stil far away to called as 投资者, more over should be 投机者 lately, TOO BAD!!! i disapointed my dear uncle SAM!!

Ok, back to Annjoo-wb, at initial stage, buying it i only look at muture date and mother PE / future, too bad i had put the in/out money a side!

Annjoo price on monday is 1.98 PE is ~ 7+ and annjoo-wa price is 0.47

Wow.. premium ~50%!! bad buy!!! out money!!!

Expired date on Jan 2013.. luckly!! but oso not so long!!

Mother future ler?! actually not so good as final Q for 2008 is suffering with "-" profit, EPS also -38.++sen

I'm wandering why i buy in annjoo-wa ^V^!! hahahahaha

The reason is i cannot tahan greedy lo... look at it up then just simply check 1 or 2 items already jump in liao.. sure die la..

So what i will do now is with this 2 days performance, i beleive that it still able to climb back to >0.47 (if not major bad news) that at any price around 0.5+ i will let go all...

Luckly annjoo-wa not heading South this few days...

Ok.. As a conclusion, stock on hand now i have:

1) Ytlpowr-wb
2) Annjoo-wa

Share to cash ratio already >50%, so after dispose annjoo-wa then will be back to <40%,>

For the investment in AXIATA, is actually not under my own capital, i'm helping my gf to invest, result not bad, will post up the history when i got time.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How to evaluate warrant ??!!!

Something to share from Uncle SAM, how to evaluate a warrant!! wow!! must read!


Though mkt is never wrong but still I hv ways to deal with her ^_^ since i cannot beat her , i hv 2 join her ^_^ how 2 join her ? use kiddy TA ? of course NO ! d more u use TA d more u die !

D solution is simple :-

2 things

1) Fund allocation , monitor yr cash vs shares ratio

2) Sell n buy in stages.

U dun know where is d peak, hence sell in stages like what I did 2 pantech, alam n zelan .

Same goes 2 buy in stages.

U know very well, mkt will never goes below 900 liao..hence , u can allocate yr fund in 3 buying stages , 1,000 , 950 n 900.

K..come back 2 warrant

How 2 pick a good warrant ?

B4 i show u how 2 pick good warrant, i must oso show u my proven track records in warrants ( as per attached)

First , YTL-wb bot in year 2002 , cost 0.52 for 213 lots

sold all @ avg 1.60+ , Profit 200K+

Second Ijm-wb bot in year 2006 , cost 0.38 for 278 lots ,

sold all @ avg 1.20+- , Profit 220K +

Third , d latest one , YTLpwr-wb bot in 2008 , cost 0.49 for 100 lots.

sold all @ avg 0.76 , Profit 25K+

Total profit made from warrant = 450K+.. ^_^ how u like that ?

What is good warrant ?

3 criterias

1) Must be in money , what is in money warrant ? in money warrant is premium that u get after u minus out yr cost n conversion from its mom.

Example : Tgoff-wa

As at 8 May 09

Mom = 1.25

Tgoff-wa= 0.69

Conversion = 0.55

Hence, 0.69 + 0.55= 1.24

1.25 - 1.24 = 1cts , premium = 0.01/1.24 = 0.8%

Due 2 cost n time factor, any premium below 30% is still consider as in money warrant .what is premium 30% for Tgoff @1.25 ? d answer is 1.08 .

1.08 + 0.55 =1.63

1.63 - 1.25 /1.25 x 100%= premium 30%

In another word means d FV 4 tgoff-wa is 1.08 $$$$$$$

2) Future earning of its mom , take a look at my previous warrant purchase , all r bluechips , such as YTL n Ijm..d latest one is Tanjong offshore.. with its status of political link darling + orders in hand , I forsee its future earning shld be a good one.

3) Expiry date , expiry date must be at least 3 years n above , y ? simple.. cos u dun know what will happen 2molo , what if another 911 happen tonite ? once its mom dive from d sky, yr premium could gone with d wind oso, hence , longer expiry date is essential.


For criteria 1, why <30% consider in-money?? let see what SAM says:

May 12, 2009 9:36 AM

Samgoss said... 2 ccdev..u left out something here, sam is from "KINDER GARDEN" Fa school ^_^ , fyi.lots of TA experts has come 2 my kinder garden school seeking 4 guide. what if I am graduated from FA uni ? wow wow wow !

2 poker limit, y 30 % ?

simple !

Average FD is ard 6% , hence, 5 years due warrant = 5 x 6%= 30%.
still dun understnad ?

k... 4 example.

If d conversion is 1.00 n due date is 5 years later , u only need to come out with rm1,000 upon due date , so what u do with this rm1,000 b4 due date ? obviously u will put it in FD , hence..5 years x 6% lol ^_^

simple ??


Haha.. now u know how to buy warrant d!! Thank to SAM

Monday, May 11, 2009

Contra Contra... die "cha cha"

Just now curi ayam then kena bakar d!! wahahahaha!!

Ramunia having suddent jump just now, boring at home then jump in to the mass.. buying 100 lot at 0.41, look at the price keep on going up, then suddenly the price heading south, cannot tahan d and cut loss at 0.405 for 90 lots and 0.415 for 10 lots, total loss is 107+, all process take time in less then 1 hour!! wow!! horror of Contra.. really like gambling... hahahaha..

No more in Future!!


Shit! cannot get TGOFFS-WA at 0.705!! all the way shot up to 0.80 d... sian la....

so now let see YTLPOWR-WB at current stage, this is the 1 that gain me 17% return last year.. haha
>>> In out money
Warrant price = 0.835
Conversion price = 1.25
Mother's price = 2.06

0.835 + 1.25 - 2.06 = 0.025
0.025 / 2.06 = 1.21%

Not bad.

>>> Mutual date = 11/06/2018 >> good!!

>>> Mother's performance:
PE ~11 at current price, hmm... not so good and not so bad. It is an slow and steady counter.
From latest Q report, EPS ~ 14.63 per annum, Current ratio for Q209 = 2.5, Debt to Cap = 0.77
ok la...

Booked 80 lots at 0.835, hope can get it...

Sunday, May 10, 2009


A good warrent must fulfill this three point:

1) in money

2) its expiry date must be more than 3 years n above

3) Mom 's future earning must be promising.

Mari kita tengok kat TGOFFS-WA:

1) in / out money

Warrant price = 0.705
Conversion price = 0.55
Mother price = 1.25
Conversion ratio = 1:1

premium / discount ?

0.705 + 0.55 - 1.25 = 0.005
0.005 / 1.25 * 100 = 0.4%

every warrant with % < 30 consider in-money lol, ding dong, PASS!!

2) Expired date for TGOFFS-WA is 07 Apr 2016, 7 yrs to go, ding dong, PASS!!

3) Mother's performance. Current PE is ~8.59

OM = 8.26
RoE = 10
NPM = 5.47
CR = 1.35
DtC = 0.54

Operation Margin = 7.87
RoE = 18.53
Net Profit Margin = 5.46
Current Ratio = 1.31
Debt to Capital at Book = 0.47

Operation Margin = 7.03
RoE = 19.73
Net Profit Margin = 6.23
Current Ratio = 1.37
Debt to Capital at Book = 0.46

Operation Margin = 6.1
RoE = 24.95
Net Profit Margin = 7.83
Current Ratio = 0.84
Debt to Capital at Book = 0.23

Performance not bad huh!! As per some of the comment in SAM's blog, the TGOFFS-WA is quite similar to YTLPOWR-WB and all the while this is the cup of tea for SAM. haha...

1 things that TGOFFS-WA have is the history. she has reached RM3 once a while in 2007 bull run lol and it is 4 times for current price.. haha.

Will definetly buy in TGOFFS-WA tomorrow with 100 lots.

Stock picking with 100% cash on hand

In 2 weeks time, had don't some Contra play, It refers to Pantech and SAAG.

Pantech is a call buy Uncle SAM >>:

Blogger Samgoss said...

Guys, I hv enter 10 lots of pantech @ 0.505 ( as per attached ).

Pantech PE Ard 4 , high NTA + revenue increased , volume increased tremendously 4 past 2 days, good 4 short term kill.

The call is done on April 13, i'm entering it bit late because i bit kia si, haha.. As you know, KLCI already heading up for few weeks d, for seen some adjustment will come soon, but who knows? it keeps on going up and Pantech going along until 0.65 only i entered. My plan for initial is really put for contra play, reason behind is i have not doing any analysis on Pantech, totally batting on luck!! haha... not a good practise huh!! as i solded it at 0.74 and now its keep on going up til ~0.80. so you see? this is why playing contra cannot become rich!! haha, because u have no confident at all on your pick!!

For the pick of SAAG, it is also the same, purely contra play. SAAG is not a good FA counter (I didn't go in deep but it is info from SAM's blog) not for long term keep and high risk when market gose down / adjustment, so actually i'm gambling la... haha (偷鸡)!! 偷到就好咯,偷不到就 si cham cham lo.. haha, still got 50 lots on hand, will sell along the rise in coming Monday (if it's going up)!
ok, since i had 100% cash on hand, is now time to do some real investment! market already up like hell, got ppl says in bear trap but even more ppl says that it is small bull, what u think? With FA method, no matter what it is, important is the quality of the stock that you pick! low PE, solid finance background, low debt and full cash! that you have nothing to worried about!

So for ppl like me that no time to check the stock one by one, Uncle SAM's call is a good reference for this kind of stock (i beleive SAM would not put his money on risk even he had earn a lot! haha). So what he had picked in this few weeks? let see:

5) KSL

The call of PANTECH, ZELAN, and ALAM is definetly missed boat for me (all of them rised >20%!!, so you say uncle SAM's call "Chun" bo?). YTLPOWR-WB is a buy back call from SAM at 0.825. FAVCO, no info at all, calling price at 0.88, but now already 0.93, KSL is a lefted behind conter amoung all the construction counter (SAM call to buy anything below 0.81, now already 0.835). TGOFFS-WA is under value, SAM buy in at 0.69 with high ratio.

Which to chose??