Thursday, August 6, 2009

Buy SEALINK at 0.76

Wow!! long time no buy and sell d!! today bot Sealink 80 lots at 0.76!!


O & G related,

After Pentach, i haven't got any O & G stock on hand some more low PE.. TGOFFS as per analyzed before, no way can get that price any more. Also Blue Chip already up until 7 7 8 8 d, so have to look for 2nd line stock lol

Regarding the FA point of view, it is not a sure win counter la (where got sure win counter in Bursa? ^V^!), some more Sealink still young in main board. So! will cabut after profit around 15-20%.

Ok ok... soon will post up some analysis on Sealink..

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