Saturday, July 17, 2010

Disposal of SCOMMIR

Lalala... Disposed all my SCOMMIR last week!!! wakakakaa...

I had been extremely quiet in the blog since couple of months bc.. well, busy will work actually and work until no day no night, not a good life actually... haha



2010-07-13 10:47

(吉隆坡)史格米海事(SCOMIMR, 7045, 主板貿服組)將透過集團整合活動,脫售核心的海事業務,變成純現金公司,未來業務方向暫時未明。 這間公司發表文告說,旗下兩家獨資子公司,即史格米海事服務和Grundtvig海事,建議以1億7180萬美元(約馬幣5億5000萬令吉),脫售5家間接子公司給80.54%印尼子公司PTRig Tenders(PTRT)。


惟作為PTRT股東的史格米海事服務,不會認購這批附加股,由一家匿名私人管理基金設立的特別用途公司左玄離岸公司(Portside Offshore Inc.),將收購和轉換這批附加股,以成為PTRT的大股東。PTRT的估值約為2億4630萬美元。這項計劃需待左玄離岸公司先進行精密審核再做決定。 一旦完成,史格米海事持有PTRT股權將沖淡至20.63至24.55%,轉為純現金公司,可能面對停牌的命運。不過,史格米海事考慮收購或注入新業務、或展開聯營公司等,以維持上市地位。惟目前董事部尚未做出任何決定。

這間公司總裁穆尼占表示,與印尼基金探討合作商機符合策略性與時機。由於印尼煤炭生產領域持續擴展,海事務流服務需求不斷提高,加上競爭激烈,因此透過聯營可擴大印尼油輪業務。 他指出,希望能引進左玄離岸公司成為策略投資者後,結合雙方能力與網絡,以擴大PTRT營運能力,這間公司未來仍會參與管理活動。



Well well well, this trigger me to dispose my SCOMMIR on hand, profit taken around ~18%,
Indead, it is a good news for SCOMMIR to clear up the liabilities and this is a good time for them to avoid the new tighter financing control by Indonasia gov on foriengn sea transportation service provider company.

My concern is more on company future direction.

As i don't know how the board is going to use the cash on hand, so i rather pull out and look 1st. Since now everybody is buying, soon we will know what they are going to do.

My next plan, if price drop back to <49sen, will try to buy in some else will keep the capital for another potential counter :)

Overall, this yr looks like not a good yr for me as most of my pick is stil in negative position. well.. lets wait la..

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