Monday, January 7, 2013
Sunday, January 6, 2013
柔佛屋价在近几年真的是涨了很多,但也太快了吧?!两年前我买下了现在住的屋子,当时我是以RM450k买下来的,Clustter SemiD 四年屋龄再加上家私,在2010上旬时的这个价位算一点点偏高了,但是由于地点漂亮,保安系统好,所以就买下来了。
在短短的两年里,今天我这里的屋价以同样的配套计算,现在的市价是介于RM700k-800k之间,涨了进50%,而同一区的新屋,clustter semiD都已经在RM680k起跳了。这屋价的涨潮依小弟的看法是酱的:自从经济复苏后,马劳也开始增加了,居住于新山的马劳也越来越多,自然,这些人的购买力也增加了,但是新山还有一大部分的人是不在新国工作的,所以这两个不同income source的购买力差异也越来越大。反观新山的发展,不管你走到哪里,你都会看到一大片正在发展的组屋condo。这些发展是冲着马劳及新国人来的。
很奇怪的事发生了,每每你到新屋推介会,那些屋子都会被一抢而空,现在500k的condo一天就卖完了,是真的那么好卖吗??先不管是发展商欺骗我们还是真有其事,屋子销售得那么快的原因肯定的是有很大的投机成分。不管是马劳,新国人,还是本地新山人,大家明显地都看好新山的房地产,大家都觉得还有屋价上升的空间,大家都觉得欣欣向荣 :)
一间RM500k的两房式condo, 给了10%头期,每个月还得供接近两千,那一间租金可要在RM2000或以上。。不便宜。。
1。 本地人?本地人肯定租不起,租得起的也很少,要是本地人租的起,那他因该买得起,何必租呢?
2。 马劳?同样的道理,要是租的起,那他因该买得起,如果说不是长住,那在新加坡租房间更划算。进出新加坡很辛苦的。
总的来说,现在新山的屋价太贵了,如果你要买来住那还好,如果买来投资可能会有蛮高的风险,不是怕你供不起,而是一旦你卖或租不出,你还得按时出钱保养它,不然要卖时也没价钱。很多人都会说propety不会贬值,那是对的,除非你买在合理价。那什么是合理价呢?如果你是新山人,有空开车去Bukit Indah, 2nd link, Permas, Setia Indah, Setia Tropika看看,如果你觉得供求平衡,那当下的价钱就是合理价了,如果有人告诉你新加坡,吉隆坡,槟城屋价更高,那是应该的,因为他们是他们,我们是新山 :)
House Price index:
柔佛屋价在近几年真的是涨了很多,但也太快了吧?!两年前我买下了现在住的屋子,当时我是以RM450k买下来的,Clustter SemiD 四年屋龄再加上家私,在2010上旬时的这个价位算一点点偏高了,但是由于地点漂亮,保安系统好,所以就买下来了。
在短短的两年里,今天我这里的屋价以同样的配套计算,现在的市价是介于RM700k-800k之间,涨了进50%,而同一区的新屋,clustter semiD都已经在RM680k起跳了。这屋价的涨潮依小弟的看法是酱的:自从经济复苏后,马劳也开始增加了,居住于新山的马劳也越来越多,自然,这些人的购买力也增加了,但是新山还有一大部分的人是不在新国工作的,所以这两个不同income source的购买力差异也越来越大。反观新山的发展,不管你走到哪里,你都会看到一大片正在发展的组屋condo。这些发展是冲着马劳及新国人来的。
很奇怪的事发生了,每每你到新屋推介会,那些屋子都会被一抢而空,现在500k的condo一天就卖完了,是真的那么好卖吗??先不管是发展商欺骗我们还是真有其事,屋子销售得那么快的原因肯定的是有很大的投机成分。不管是马劳,新国人,还是本地新山人,大家明显地都看好新山的房地产,大家都觉得还有屋价上升的空间,大家都觉得欣欣向荣 :)
一间RM500k的两房式condo, 给了10%头期,每个月还得供接近两千,那一间租金可要在RM2000或以上。。不便宜。。
1。 本地人?本地人肯定租不起,租得起的也很少,要是本地人租的起,那他因该买得起,何必租呢?
2。 马劳?同样的道理,要是租的起,那他因该买得起,如果说不是长住,那在新加坡租房间更划算。进出新加坡很辛苦的。
总的来说,现在新山的屋价太贵了,如果你要买来住那还好,如果买来投资可能会有蛮高的风险,不是怕你供不起,而是一旦你卖或租不出,你还得按时出钱保养它,不然要卖时也没价钱。很多人都会说propety不会贬值,那是对的,除非你买在合理价。那什么是合理价呢?如果你是新山人,有空开车去Bukit Indah, 2nd link, Permas, Setia Indah, Setia Tropika看看,如果你觉得供求平衡,那当下的价钱就是合理价了,如果有人告诉你新加坡,吉隆坡,槟城屋价更高,那是应该的,因为他们是他们,我们是新山 :)
House Price index:
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Reason of 加码 FITTERS
Found a post on CARI regarding FITTERS, not so old but also not new, just to share:
投資致富 2012-12-10 11:25
綠色提煉廠業務料佔2013財年7%盈利貢獻,但2014年可激增至29%,至2015年更達41%。該公司整體表現不錯,分析員給予其1令吉零5仙至1令吉15仙合理價,不過若缺乏催化劑,股價短期或難有大突破。 (good to catch now :P)
So, the mother seem to be more attractive to me compare to the WA, even though it is not applicable now, i more interested in the comment of the future earning.
Digging more into the annual report to check out the performance again, as in my previous post, the performance of this stock is consider fare, however, I'm interested to look into more on the company performance during 2007/2008 and 2009 to check out how did she perform during financial crisis, well, this is what i found:
1. Company is making profit for pass 10 years, non of the year is making loss.
2. EPS & profit is fluctuating, but still performing at average during 2008/2009 period.
3. Revenue increase in recent 5 years, latest rolling 4 quarters shows slight drop in revenue (404,607) as compare to 2011 but profit is higher then 2011 with rolling 4Q ended at 24,668 (EPS ~11sen)
4. historical gearing looks healthy and well below 0pt5. just a bit concern on the operating cash flow over total asset, it was at -ve on year 2011.
5. ROE not really stable but still +ve.
From business point of view, it is the leader in providing integrated fire protection and prevention solutions as a “one-stop” fire protection specialist. In mid of 2011, the company start to expend into the renewable energy & green palm oil mill, property development and construction engineering which is still a good move from my point of view (anyhow you can only make consistent money with concurring the fire protection market in Malaysia, to growth the company, i think this is a good move).
looking at the top 30 share holder list, they are holding up to ~70% of the share at 2011, the liquidity of share in the market is quite low if it is still in the same status today. Also that the company still carry out quite heavy of share buy back in this year and recently, not sure this is good or bad but at lease this shows that the share holder are still confident on the business (given it to maintain the share price or to accumulate the share)
Good thing is it is not a hot stock and i don't think the market is focusing on this counter, current price at 0.61sen with PE at ~8.7, not super cheap but it has been traded at 2 years lowest price now. current CPO price is pretty low, and by the time the CPO price recover, i would expect the company will be making profit from the green energy division.
FITTERS was introduced by SAM, together with the same time frame, he had also buy in some other stock, however, I only intrested in FITTERS mainly due to what was discussed above. I'm currently holding FITTERS with less then 20pst of my capitial, i'm going to try to swap some of my warrant to FITTERS and make it to about 30pst of my capital, this will be my 1st step to change my invesment from heavy warrant to heavy mother :P
- Just a 2 sense from me :)
投資致富 2012-12-10 11:25
綠色提煉廠業務料佔2013財年7%盈利貢獻,但2014年可激增至29%,至2015年更達41%。該公司整體表現不錯,分析員給予其1令吉零5仙至1令吉15仙合理價,不過若缺乏催化劑,股價短期或難有大突破。 (good to catch now :P)
So, the mother seem to be more attractive to me compare to the WA, even though it is not applicable now, i more interested in the comment of the future earning.
Digging more into the annual report to check out the performance again, as in my previous post, the performance of this stock is consider fare, however, I'm interested to look into more on the company performance during 2007/2008 and 2009 to check out how did she perform during financial crisis, well, this is what i found:
1. Company is making profit for pass 10 years, non of the year is making loss.
2. EPS & profit is fluctuating, but still performing at average during 2008/2009 period.
3. Revenue increase in recent 5 years, latest rolling 4 quarters shows slight drop in revenue (404,607) as compare to 2011 but profit is higher then 2011 with rolling 4Q ended at 24,668 (EPS ~11sen)
4. historical gearing looks healthy and well below 0pt5. just a bit concern on the operating cash flow over total asset, it was at -ve on year 2011.
5. ROE not really stable but still +ve.
From business point of view, it is the leader in providing integrated fire protection and prevention solutions as a “one-stop” fire protection specialist. In mid of 2011, the company start to expend into the renewable energy & green palm oil mill, property development and construction engineering which is still a good move from my point of view (anyhow you can only make consistent money with concurring the fire protection market in Malaysia, to growth the company, i think this is a good move).
looking at the top 30 share holder list, they are holding up to ~70% of the share at 2011, the liquidity of share in the market is quite low if it is still in the same status today. Also that the company still carry out quite heavy of share buy back in this year and recently, not sure this is good or bad but at lease this shows that the share holder are still confident on the business (given it to maintain the share price or to accumulate the share)
Good thing is it is not a hot stock and i don't think the market is focusing on this counter, current price at 0.61sen with PE at ~8.7, not super cheap but it has been traded at 2 years lowest price now. current CPO price is pretty low, and by the time the CPO price recover, i would expect the company will be making profit from the green energy division.
FITTERS was introduced by SAM, together with the same time frame, he had also buy in some other stock, however, I only intrested in FITTERS mainly due to what was discussed above. I'm currently holding FITTERS with less then 20pst of my capitial, i'm going to try to swap some of my warrant to FITTERS and make it to about 30pst of my capital, this will be my 1st step to change my invesment from heavy warrant to heavy mother :P
- Just a 2 sense from me :)
虽然还看不清楚宝贝你长什么样,但Ah Bee你好像变大了哦!!妈咪告诉爹地说医生让她听你的心跳!爹地半信半疑,你的小心脏已经开始工作了? 哈哈, 我的宝贝你很健康哦!
这个月你妈咪蛮辛苦的,她肚子开始涨风了,由于你的appartment越来越大,把妈咪的胃和肠往上推,所以她时常会打嗝和放屁,肚子好不舒服哦。此外,你妈咪的胃口也变了,以前她超爱吃的面粉稞,现在一点都不想吃,还只喜欢吃apolo layer cake,你妈咪说是因为宝贝你不喜欢,哈哈,所以整个月下来她什么也吃不下,但又不可以不吃,怕你饿到。我们都搞不懂你爱吃什么。为了让你有足够的营养,爹地买了Ammum给妈咪喝,但你妈咪说喝久了很腻,不过没法啦,谁叫你是她的心肝宝贝,她还是乖乖地喝。
这时的妈咪特别懒惰!每天躺在沙发上很累酱,所以爹地答应了她从现在起妈咪不用做家务了,爹地会做完全部家务直到你出生 :) (其实爹地想请女佣的,不过因为懒惰找,所以到现在还是自己做。。)
在这个月里,你长得很快,而妈咪开始担心害喜的状况越来越严重,注意哦,他还没开始呕吐哦 :)
我们决定先保密,只告诉了你阿姨和外公婆,阿公阿嬷就两个星期后才被通知,不要让那么多人知道你的到来,怕你烦嘛 :)
我们决定先保密,只告诉了你阿姨和外公婆,阿公阿嬷就两个星期后才被通知,不要让那么多人知道你的到来,怕你烦嘛 :)
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
我回来啦!!沉静了两年,我人生中发生了很多事,买了房,结了婚,在加上频密的出国公干,我竟然荒废了Blogspot, 哈哈。。Update一下status, 两年来,起起伏伏,在2012年年尾,我好像发现了一些心得。。。我还是不适合频密地交易。。看看以下我的Record:
还是写英文比较方便,虽然是Broken English...hahaha
Review the performance for last 2 years (July 2010 - Dec 2012), although i still have a net gain of ~8%, but this is just like putting my money in the FD!! WTF!! and what i observes from this history is the gain can only comes with long holding time + low/ fair enter price, look at FAVCO, BOC, and Puncak!! average PE at that time is ~4-5! solid company with consistance gain!
How about those i sell with loss? common is i'm not confident to these company and i sold them out each time i hear any bad news, to check back again whether what is the performance of these stock, lets look at it one by one.
EPS continue drop from 2008 - 2011, with roling 4 Quater result, looks like 2012 EPS continue to reduce to 2.58, this mean profit continuously drop for 6 years, while overall market recover in 2010 but the earning of sealink do not follow, i cut loss at RM0.60 with the net loss of 17% :( what a bad buy in move... should see the earning shrink across 2008 to the time i buy in.
EPS continue growth from 2008 even up to this year, PE when i bot should be ~5-6, now is ~7 :) shere price stod at 1.65 now, too bad i do not have holding power, else gain is ~85%.
This burger, performance is really not stable, some more got loss on 2010 & 2011, 2012 roling 4Q still net loss with EPS at -12. although latest 3 quarter it start to recover, but overall, the company is not consistant. short term play is still able to make profit, the LA is now at ~35sen and 1X higher then my buying price, but appearantly i'm not the kind of person that able to pick the gain from this stock, haha..
This is a big company, but the CEO reputation is not good, the profit also marginal and seeing loss at 2009. lets see why i buy this stock (luckly i do record :P)
Catching chance?! predict future?? haha.. Now this is not a good reason to buy in:
1. Gain still not stable along the time, EPS droping, so it is not a good way to predict the future of the company with not so excellent history data.
2. PE high when the time i buy, it is at ~11. current price is ~50cts, PE ~8
I dispo all at RM1.04, how lucky am i ?!!
This stock looks good in earning,continue increase in profit since 2008, too bad that i'm buying the WB previously, current PE is ~2, Maybe this can be one of the counter that worth to invest. KIV KIV :)
This is the stock that teach me a lot, bot in by following SAM and doing so study after that, 4th largest Bank in China, one of the China bank that have more investment in the global market. Price deep to <2 .5=".5" 2008="2008" 2010="2010" 3.4hkd="3.4hkd" and="and" at="at" back="back" bad="bad" boc="boc" brought="brought" buy="buy" crisist.="crisist." current="current" dip="dip" do="do" drop="drop" due="due" euro="euro" even="even" finance="finance" future="future" gainning="gainning" haha..="haha.." have="have" holding="holding" i="i" in="in" increasing="increasing" is="is" it="it" mainly="mainly" market="market" nbsp="nbsp" near="near" not="not" p="p" pe="pe" power="power" price="price" some="some" that="that" the="the" time="time" to="to" too="too" when="when" will="will" with="with" yearly="yearly">
Tambun is a newbee to the main board, KSL is a stable company, both of them is a fair counter, KSL profit up up down down, but still no loss, not bad, Tambun have less history data, need KIV, tambun is now with PE ~9, higher then my buying price.
Overall, with the bad trading history in this 2 years, the conclusion i have is that
1. I'm not suitable to use the "low buy high sold" method, i do not have a full time analysis on the stock and full time monitoring the stock price, thus not suitable to catch the best price.
2. Warrent is not suitable for me, if i have no time to monitor the share price, mean i might need to hold the stock for some time, holding the monther vs warrent, looks like mother is more confortable, of cause, blue chip warrent can be consider.
Current holding stock are YTLPOWR-WB, PJDEV-WC, HAPSENG-WA and FITTER
YTLPOWR, is a cash rick company, with PE ~9, cattching the WB seems more reasonable for me.
PJDEV-WC, this is highest paper loss for my combi as of now. this is a fair counter, my WC might be buying at higher price, for now i can only hold.
HAPSENG-WA, this is also a fair company, marginal paper loss, current PE at ~9, hold for a while.
FITTER, PE at 8.5, also a fair company. hold and see.
Looking at current holding, 75% is warrent?! hmm... my target for 2013 is to swap from warrent to mother stock... :)
Coming up stock selection will be focus at Mother stock, low PE, continueous earning.2>
还是写英文比较方便,虽然是Broken English...hahaha
Review the performance for last 2 years (July 2010 - Dec 2012), although i still have a net gain of ~8%, but this is just like putting my money in the FD!! WTF!! and what i observes from this history is the gain can only comes with long holding time + low/ fair enter price, look at FAVCO, BOC, and Puncak!! average PE at that time is ~4-5! solid company with consistance gain!
How about those i sell with loss? common is i'm not confident to these company and i sold them out each time i hear any bad news, to check back again whether what is the performance of these stock, lets look at it one by one.
EPS continue drop from 2008 - 2011, with roling 4 Quater result, looks like 2012 EPS continue to reduce to 2.58, this mean profit continuously drop for 6 years, while overall market recover in 2010 but the earning of sealink do not follow, i cut loss at RM0.60 with the net loss of 17% :( what a bad buy in move... should see the earning shrink across 2008 to the time i buy in.
EPS continue growth from 2008 even up to this year, PE when i bot should be ~5-6, now is ~7 :) shere price stod at 1.65 now, too bad i do not have holding power, else gain is ~85%.
This burger, performance is really not stable, some more got loss on 2010 & 2011, 2012 roling 4Q still net loss with EPS at -12. although latest 3 quarter it start to recover, but overall, the company is not consistant. short term play is still able to make profit, the LA is now at ~35sen and 1X higher then my buying price, but appearantly i'm not the kind of person that able to pick the gain from this stock, haha..
This is a big company, but the CEO reputation is not good, the profit also marginal and seeing loss at 2009. lets see why i buy this stock (luckly i do record :P)
Catching chance?! predict future?? haha.. Now this is not a good reason to buy in:
1. Gain still not stable along the time, EPS droping, so it is not a good way to predict the future of the company with not so excellent history data.
2. PE high when the time i buy, it is at ~11. current price is ~50cts, PE ~8
I dispo all at RM1.04, how lucky am i ?!!
This stock looks good in earning,continue increase in profit since 2008, too bad that i'm buying the WB previously, current PE is ~2, Maybe this can be one of the counter that worth to invest. KIV KIV :)
This is the stock that teach me a lot, bot in by following SAM and doing so study after that, 4th largest Bank in China, one of the China bank that have more investment in the global market. Price deep to <2 .5=".5" 2008="2008" 2010="2010" 3.4hkd="3.4hkd" and="and" at="at" back="back" bad="bad" boc="boc" brought="brought" buy="buy" crisist.="crisist." current="current" dip="dip" do="do" drop="drop" due="due" euro="euro" even="even" finance="finance" future="future" gainning="gainning" haha..="haha.." have="have" holding="holding" i="i" in="in" increasing="increasing" is="is" it="it" mainly="mainly" market="market" nbsp="nbsp" near="near" not="not" p="p" pe="pe" power="power" price="price" some="some" that="that" the="the" time="time" to="to" too="too" when="when" will="will" with="with" yearly="yearly">
Tambun is a newbee to the main board, KSL is a stable company, both of them is a fair counter, KSL profit up up down down, but still no loss, not bad, Tambun have less history data, need KIV, tambun is now with PE ~9, higher then my buying price.
Overall, with the bad trading history in this 2 years, the conclusion i have is that
1. I'm not suitable to use the "low buy high sold" method, i do not have a full time analysis on the stock and full time monitoring the stock price, thus not suitable to catch the best price.
2. Warrent is not suitable for me, if i have no time to monitor the share price, mean i might need to hold the stock for some time, holding the monther vs warrent, looks like mother is more confortable, of cause, blue chip warrent can be consider.
Current holding stock are YTLPOWR-WB, PJDEV-WC, HAPSENG-WA and FITTER
YTLPOWR, is a cash rick company, with PE ~9, cattching the WB seems more reasonable for me.
PJDEV-WC, this is highest paper loss for my combi as of now. this is a fair counter, my WC might be buying at higher price, for now i can only hold.
HAPSENG-WA, this is also a fair company, marginal paper loss, current PE at ~9, hold for a while.
FITTER, PE at 8.5, also a fair company. hold and see.
Looking at current holding, 75% is warrent?! hmm... my target for 2013 is to swap from warrent to mother stock... :)
Coming up stock selection will be focus at Mother stock, low PE, continueous earning.2>
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