Saturday, January 5, 2013

Reason of 加码 FITTERS

Found a post on CARI regarding FITTERS, not so old but also not new, just to share:


投資致富 2012-12-10 11:25





綠色提煉廠業務料佔2013財年7%盈利貢獻,但2014年可激增至29%,至2015年更達41%。該公司整體表現不錯,分析員給予其1令吉零5仙至1令吉15仙合理價,不過若缺乏催化劑,股價短期或難有大突破。 (good to catch now :P)



So, the mother seem to be more attractive to me compare to the WA, even though it is not applicable now, i more interested in the comment of the future earning.

Digging more into the annual report to check out the performance again, as in my previous post, the performance of this stock is consider fare, however, I'm interested to look into more on the company performance during 2007/2008 and 2009 to check out how did she perform during financial crisis, well, this is what i found:



1. Company is making profit for pass 10 years, non of the year is making loss.

2. EPS & profit is fluctuating, but still performing at average during 2008/2009 period.

3. Revenue increase in recent 5 years, latest rolling 4 quarters shows slight drop in revenue (404,607) as compare to 2011 but profit is higher then 2011 with rolling 4Q ended at 24,668 (EPS ~11sen)

4. historical gearing looks healthy and well below 0pt5. just a bit concern on the operating cash flow over total asset, it was at -ve on year 2011.

5. ROE not really stable but still +ve.

From business point of view, it is the  leader in providing integrated fire protection and prevention solutions as a “one-stop” fire protection specialist. In mid of 2011, the company start to expend into the renewable energy & green palm oil mill, property development and construction engineering which is still a good move from my point of view (anyhow you can only make consistent money with concurring the fire protection market in Malaysia, to growth the company, i think this is a good move).

looking at the top 30 share holder list, they are holding up to ~70% of the share at 2011, the liquidity of share in the market is quite low if it is still in the same status today. Also that the company still carry out quite heavy of share buy back in this year and recently, not sure this is good or bad but at lease this shows that the share holder are still confident on the business (given it to maintain the share price or to accumulate the share)

Good thing is it is not a hot stock and i don't think the market is focusing on this counter, current price at 0.61sen with PE at ~8.7, not super cheap but it has been traded at 2 years lowest price now. current CPO price is pretty low, and by the time the CPO price recover, i would expect the company will be making profit from the green energy division.

FITTERS was introduced by SAM, together with the same time frame, he had also buy in some other stock, however, I only intrested in FITTERS mainly due to what was discussed above. I'm currently holding FITTERS with less then 20pst of my capitial, i'm going to try to swap some of my warrant to FITTERS and make it to about 30pst of my capital, this will be my 1st step to change my invesment from heavy warrant to heavy mother :P

- Just a 2 sense from me :)

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